dealing with frustrations

As you might have understood from the previous post, startupping and relationshipping have one thing in common: frustrations.

Do your homework and learn how to deal with frustrations, a lot of them, or frustrations will deal with you.

I know she is the hottest woman you have ever seen in your life and that the only thing you want is to bath in her saliva, but she doesn’t know who the fuck you are.

In your dreams ( right! ), she is probably virgin and keeping it tight for you ( not likely trust me ) but as I stated before: she doesn’t know who the fuck you are.

For customers is the same shit: you have the most amazing service to offer and if they only knew about that they would queue for a piece of it… It seems they are anyway coping with their life and get DPed by your competitors.

The hot chick you love has is own coping mechanisms … promiscuity is one of them. I know you didn’t want to hear that… but toughen up lad.

Women, as products, age. You’d better hurry up.

In my opinion the holy grail of frustrations dealing is … not to give a fuck. Investors probably won’t like this approach of yours so work on your facial expressions and your poker face ( homework ). In their presence you have to give the impression you are a reliable grown-up: learn not to give a fuck in silence. Sadly investors tend to give a fuck.

Btw if you managed to get investors PM me.

#frustrations #sheisnotvirgin #probablynottighteven #unfuckurself

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